Originally Tradition named as Alaɪɪra, a overseer of the unit that Xvastari belonged. Alaɪɪra was the master of a fluid combat of disk metals that spun out and returned to them. Roughly twice Xvastari's age, Alaɪɪra was ever a force of reckoning before being stolen and turned into an heiress. But even on Earth, Cynthia is a powerhouse, vocal and outspoken in her activism for others.
A member of the French National Assembly since 2002, François-Henri is of peerage in the country and a long line of power hungry awful human beings. Astronomically wealthy, he is the leader of the DSSM and sole reason they were able to venture into the RSO to kidnap two Eipiânari. His selfish want for power without the stigmata of belonging to the homostia is delivered through his abuse of the two sentients he has turned into synthetic slave children. He has managed to only obtain brief boosts of power and augmentation through his trials and errors on his so-called child but the promise of an eternal, unbreakable life, keeps him trying.
net worth • $87.3 Trillion USD
A never-quite-as-famous as she wanted to be, Josephine hopes that, by helping François-Henri with his endeavours she will be able to find a serum to return to a lost glory year and earn herself the true star of celebrity she feels she was always meant to have. She has no problem playing the role of a lifetime pretending to be a mother to the same synthetic she uses for sexual pleasure and attempts at immortality.
Wesley is a rather useless money man who knows how to cook books and help cover the tracks for all the members of the DSSM. Beyond that, he's cannon fodder, and only gets to participate because his wife has a soft spot for him. He's a sadistic pissant excuse for a living being.
net worth • $7 Billion USD
Like François-Henri, Ursula is a mastermind of sadistic and wicked ways. A genius business capitalist, a genius boardroom savage, and the genius behind the technological advancements that the DSSM has managed to use to affect the Eipiânari. Ursula wants to prove herself the greatest in a long line of powerhouse men and she aims to stop at nothing short of world destruction to get it done.
net worth • $23.3 Trillion USD
based on susanne klatten
A leading robotics and electric engineer who invented the interactive programs used for the aunt, uncle and nanny that helped to "raise" Matthieu Calixte, Fleurine poses as a medical doctor once a month for the young boy to visit to get a checkup which really functions as a method to extract results and induce new personalities, programming and development protocols within him. Most of her attempts are based on theories built from the introduction of KNOX programming to the public. Fleurine is a close personal friend of Ursula and has taught both Ursula and François-Henri how to create new personalities at the DSSM requests but only she can program the song-triggers.
net worth • $16 Billion USD
Real Name: Chrystee Leveen. An American-British spy working to try and discover the truth of the space explortion program run out of France in recent years. She got too involved and too close to everything, however, and when infiltrating a DSSM meeting, they used Matthieu's kill protocol to dispose of her. As far as he knows, his girlfriend, Rosalee, moved to Germany for her graduate program and is simply ghosting him, however, after a year of being together.